Monday, October 17, 2016

A New Beginning

After an intense amount of deliberation, Kate ended her middle school career September 30th. She completed the first nine weeks with honor roll but a lack of confidence.  We watched our sunny, sweet girl shrink under the pressure of perfection, boot camp style discipline and and a teacher we know lied to us after calling Kate a liar in front of the class for an error her father made. We have a strict policy about grown ups who lie. They don't get access to our kids. Kate went from showing leadership skills to shying away from new experiences and worrying constantly about making a mistake. It is our belief, no one learns well in a setting where bullying is the overriding method of control so I spent quite a bit of time over fall break making plans and gathering resources. Today was our first day at home together. Apparently I haven't retired my home school hat after all.

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