Monday, May 28, 2012

Poop GPS

He has a natural ability to locate poop in the yard and it's his favorite job to supervise prior to watching Daddy mow the yard. Ty would love to see the yard mowed daily. He has the entire routine memorized and is all too excited to talk about each step as he sees his Daddy preparing for the task.
This weekend became potty training boot camp for our little poop detector. He spent Saturday naked, happy and successfully using the potty. He was pretty thrilled with the mini marshmallow reward. Sunday, we added underwear and he forgot the goal. Sigh. He wears underwear now and has the cutest little tush. I mentioned his friend Ashlyn is also using the potty and wearing panties. He asked if she got marshmallows too. She gets candy. He quickly went looking for his shoes. He was ready to walk to Ashlyn's, pee on her potty and get some candy! That boy is always thinking!

It was a quiet, relaxing weekend overall with quality family time, water fun with neighbors and seeing friends. Closets were cleaned. We no longer qualify for an episode of Hoarders but the trash men will not be pleased with us tomorrow. We reflected Memorial Day's meaning. We are a blessed nation and family.

1 comment:

  1. Love the pic of you and Ty! He is welcome to come potty at my house and get candy (but I may send Ashlyn your way :)
