Tuesday, May 29, 2012

I don't like roller coasters

I am not a fan of roller coasters. I don't care to have my life flash before my eyes. Ever. I don't seek thrills or need danger to feel alive. Nope. I prefer things smooth, easy going and predictable. I rode in the minivan as a passenger today while my oldest drove for the first time. I only screamed once. I had a death grip on the arm rest and door handle. I couldn't breath. I am certain a snapshot of my face would have made one think I was on a roller coaster, fearing for my life. I am not cut out for this. Her father has trained "knuckle heads" to drive fork lifts. He is much more qualified. I pass the baton. Honey, you're up. Even Ty declared at the end of our "bumpy road ride" he was "scared in the van". Mommy was too but Erin finally decided it was time to get her permit. It really was time given all of her friends have been driving for two years but we were in no rush and neither was she. I suppose allowing her to actually drive will take time too!

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