Friday, February 10, 2012

Remember this photo?

You never know what will strike people. This was just a quick shot I took in Kate's studio. Her adviser, Jana loved it and forwarded it to the school director who used it in the school's slide show on Tuesday. We had conferences today and Jana asked my permission to forward it to a Montessori magazine publication as it "captures her spirit". I thought it was a sweet compliment.

Both girls are doing well in school. Kate's advisers said they'd love to have 30 just like Kate in their class. She is respectful, kind, helpful, joyful and fun. Again, a sweet compliment. Academically they are pleased with her progress and she sited reading as her favorite when asked to participate in the discussion. Lauren has grown personally and academically this year. All of us are blown away by her progress. She started the year unable to speak in front of the class and is now taking an optional theater class for additional practice. Her latest presentations have left her advisers speechless. She is poised and confident. We started the year hoping to achieve basic skills and have quickly realized she has the potential to earn an honor diploma. I am grateful beyond words for the methods used and more so how much these amazing teachers pour into my kids.

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