Thursday, February 9, 2012

Crazy Little Thing Called Love

Greg took Lauren out to practice driving in the school's parking lot Sunday afternoon. Ty rode along. Greg was as impressed with her natural ability as me. Erin is another story but it isn't nice so I won't be sharing. They were only home a few minutes when Ty whispered into Lauren's ear, "take me to Pa-pa's house". Another driver in the house may be a good thing!

Lauren is not overly excited about little kids. She isn't into babies and doesn't pay much attention to them in general. In fact, if we are being honest, she finds them loud and annoying. That being said, there is a special bond she has only with Ty. That little guy makes her smile everyday. No matter what drama is in her life, she will sit back with a grin on her face watching him be himself. He is so confident, happy and full of energy. She doesn't get onto the floor and interact but thoroughly enjoys observing him in action. I love sitting back and watching her face while she takes him in. Joy.

Kate has struggled with one little boy at school who has decided she is a punching bag of sorts. He hits her as she walks past, kicks, pushes and makes mean faces on a daily basis. Kate has been empowered to tell him to stop but we were reaching a point of asking for a little more intervention as this has gone on too long. Our conferences are tomorrow so we thought it would be a good time for that discussion; however, Kate came home with the news yesterday that this particular little guy and his friend both have crushes on Lauren! There is ONLY a 9 year age difference and they are pretty smitten! Lauren has decided to wander down to Kate's studio today to ask her petite "boyfriend" to look out for her sister and make sure she's not hit anymore. Who knows, we may have just solved our issue! Boy crushes. They make them act crazy.

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