Sunday, January 15, 2012

Who's got your back?

It's good to know who's got your back in life. At our house, Ty thinks he's the man. In reality, God does. Erin went out with her friend Carlyn Friday night and they hit a deer. Carlyn didn't see it before she hit it. She had no time to respond and for that, I am grateful as there was on-coming traffic on one side and a tree on the other. The deer was a doe and it did not hit the windshield. There was damage to the car but no one other than the deer was hurt. I am grateful on so many levels. Erin says she and Carlyn are more successful deer hunters than Greg. She's sweet like that.

This week I read a book Mom picked up for me for my birthday called 90 Minutes in Heaven. I wasn't immediately drawn to the title as I think there are a lot of false stories floating around out there about that topic. Once I picked it up, I couldn't put it down. This man's story about recovering from an accident has a lot in common with Greg's, although the author's injuries were much more severe. The ilizarov frame, bone grafts, sleeplessness, depression, the toll on family that lead to a deep bond in our family, the pain, financial impact and familiarity with hospital surgical wings were all covered. I have mentioned to Greg that we need to write his story for those going through tough times or recovering from accidents but he's been reluctant. I wonder if having something in print would help others understand his relentless quest to prevent work related injuries. I don't know that answer yet but just wonder what God will do to further use that trial. 

So January arrived with a vengeance. We saw temps near 70 last week and this week, single digits. Yep, it's here! I've enjoyed scrap booking, having a fire in the evenings and relaxing at home as we don't want to get out in the weather if we can avoid it. I miss homeschooling in temperatures like these! No one had to go out if it was icy and the route to the dining room was always clear so we didn't have to watch for school closings. Just a few simple things I miss about homeschooling these days....there are many more.


  1. Oh how scary - praise God Erin and her friend were okay!

  2. After hitting a deer myself, Erin and Carlyn were very lucky not to have been hurt. I joked with my bro-in-law that I got my deer that year!
