Tuesday, January 17, 2012

That was quick.....

Makenna decided our local public middle school was not what she expected and opted out of completing the semester there. She finished her last day today and feels as though a huge weight has been lifted. We achieved what we set out to do. She experienced "real school" complete with bus rides and homework. It was not a good fit and I am happy to have her home again.

Our crazy January weather threw us into a tornado warning today.....good times. I was happily (maybe not happily) vacuuming my house when I noted how dark the sky had grown and then saw my phone lighting up as if a half dozen people were trying to reach me at the same time. I shut off the vacuum, reached for the phone and turned on the local weather just in time to see we were under a warning and lose power. I screamed at Greg to get out of bed and help me grab the boys from their snacks. We camped out in the bathroom for awhile but in all seriousness, we missed the storm! It was over by the time I realized what was happening. Colby kept returning to the bathroom to sit on the floor and enjoy a few more animal crackers and Ty kept repeating "thunder was spooky" while moving his fingers in a strange motion. He was hunched over and whispering as he did this all afternoon. You just never know what will make an impression on those boys. Did I mention I was planning SNOW photos this month?

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