Friday, September 30, 2011

Keepin It Real

I got to giggling with my neighbors yesterday. One of them has four little ones....she "gets" me! We had a discussion about our bathroom issues and how much we long to go alone! It was full of laughter as we both confessed to stretchy pants (in a lot of cases, maternity wear!) so that we could be quicker. Promising the kids that what ever they ask for from the other side of the door while we are taking our 20 second break will not be given to them. Threatening "don't bother me unless there is blood involved or there will be blood involved!". (I am not proud of that one and only used it once.) And then there's my personal favorite, walking out of the bathroom to have the phone handed to me that has been sitting there waiting on me rather than taking a message. Don't you love it when the director of your kids' school gets to hear you in the bathroom?

"Mommy! Watch me!" I hear that all the time. Don't get me wrong, I am proud of her. She lives life fully and has a blast practicing new skills and especially loves climbing all over the swing set like a monkey. But, more importantly, I want her to be proud of herself, without an audience. Besides, I've seen this trick ONE MILLION times.....I promise. I give the thumbs up signal and attempt to go back to my conversation, book or housework only to hear "Mommy. Watch" once again and again and again...... Yes sweetie that's great but Mommy has things to do. On one hand, I wish I was better about letting go of housework and such and just enjoy my kids but frankly, I am not that mom. I need order. I need a clean house and I need my kids to entertain themselves.

And finally, what was God thinking when he blessed me with this beautiful boy? A two year old boy, I am learning is a whole new energy level ballgame! I am either older or he is honestly busier. It could quite possibly be a combination of the two. But throw that into the mix with two hormonal teenage girls and what you've got is a sitcom waiting to happen. I tease that God is either teaching me patience or how to drink. I don't drink but my best friend keeps telling me sobriety is overrated. She is smart and well adjusted. I am just saying.

My mom is coming for the weekend. My dad has a cold so she is coming alone to make me celebrate my birthday. I love that about her! We are going to lunch, shopping for a pair of dress shoes (mine were purchased prior to my 17 year marriage and have literally fallen apart) and then off to an art show in town. I am looking forward to it. "Me time", without the stretchy pants, unless I choose them to best enjoy my birthday lunch. Perfect.

1 comment:

  1. LOVE IT! I hope you have a wonderful time with your mom shopping and a great time celebrating your birthday!
