Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Alexis Hope

We have a new niece! Alexis Hope arrived as a tiny 6lb 19inch bundle this morning. Congrats to big sister Lizzie who is not yet thrilled by the arrival and her parents, Brad and Jessica. Isn't she beautiful? Lizzie wanted a kitten.

In other news.....
Greg headed out to work this morning (day shift this week) and left Ty sitting in his chair with a cup of milk watching Mickey. He woke me prior to leaving but it took me ten minutes to venture out into the living room. I walked in to find him with the basket of candy corn on his lap and a huge grin on his face. Greg later confessed that little man was all too eager to tell him good bye this morning! Now we know a plan was in the works!

Kate was sent home from school on Monday with head cold symptoms. She wasn't complaining but Jana, her adviser noted that she kept laying her head down and was glassy eyed. We picked her up and felt she was fine to return Tuesday only to have her start showing signs of fatigue and a lot of drainage in route. I kept her home again. She slept three and a half hours that afternoon and then got a full night's sleep so she was ready to return today. As we were waiting for her drop-off time after Lauren went to class, Kate declared that she no longer liked school because they make her work there and "apparently you aren't allow to color until after lunch". It turns out that Kate wanted to color rather than work on class assignments the other day and was told she had to work even though she declared she didn't want to. I didn't respond to Kate; however, I am glad to hear they are finally pushing her into actual work!

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