Saturday, May 28, 2011

When I stew....

I am not connecting with God as I should and I clean and paint and rearrange and plan projects and buy paint and make honey do lists that make my husband crazy, almost as crazy as when I tackle said projects on my own because he is busy and I am stewing. Sigh. He loves me anyway. Praise God. The last few weeks I have been working through a decision I knew I had to make but didn't want to because I knew it would disappoint someone else. I am a people pleaser and I know better. Greg literally reminded me that I have read Boundaries and need the refresher because when I spend my time pleasing others and not connecting with God, I am not pleasing Him. A new friend gently reminded me of this as well. I love honest friends and count them among my greatest blessings. So, prior to the reminder, I started painting base boards and window sills. I cleaned ceiling fans and planned to paint the ceilings (purchasing paint of course). I vacuumed walls.....yes, you read that right. Polished bathroom fixtures and cleaned the oven. There's more but you get the idea. I uncovered a lot of hidden dirt!

Makenna helped with the baseboards and the babies this week so I took her along to the local farmer's market where I planned to stock up on weekly produce. It was a fun way to spend the morning with Makenna but I have to say the price point of supporting local farmers surprised me. $4 head of lettuce? It was good but it was a one time special around here! It went nicely with our $4 strawberries and $5 loaf of bread......yikes. Meijer will not be losing my business at those prices.

Honeysuckle lines our property and the kids indulged in sweetness this afternoon.

Kate surprised me today by asking how many packages of pop-tarts were left in the box. This is important because I only buy one box at Sam's every couple of months and they all want to make sure they are getting their fair share! I told her there were four packages left and she quickly let me know that there are two pop-tarts in each package so there were eight total! I was excited as I told her she just did multiplication. She had no idea what that was and I assure you she didn't see it in her kindergarten math book this year!

Ty was in a mood that was going to all too quickly land him in bed for a nap! Exasperated, I asked him why he was so bad and Kate simply said, "probably because he lives around all of us"! Out of the mouth of babes.

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