Thursday, May 26, 2011

Crying Wolf!

I spent the night with five nervous kids in the bathroom last night, again. I so dearly wish the media would revisit the fable, The Boy Who Cried Wolf because this is getting a little crazy! Tornado warnings mean that a tornado has been spotted, does it not? That's the way it used to be but now we listen to sirens for 45 minutes for a VERY MINOR THUNDERSTORM. Ugh. I am afraid that after too many of these false alarms most of us will decide to ignore warnings and find ourselves in the same situation as those poor people in Joplin. Praying for them and counting my blessings...just tired. Bathrooms are not comfortable places to sleep.

On a side note, my beautiful son has decided that potty training isn't his thing right now. No pressure but I was hoping to be at the end of my diaper buying days in the next couple of months. Oh well. He also really likes his paci. A LOT. We were weaning him to just bed and nap time however the little boys spending their days here like theirs and my little guy appears to be dealing with a little jealousy. I am trying to keep perspective. It does seem highly unlikely he will take his diapers and paci to high school.....

On the other hand, he is quick and smart and misses nothing. Last night he was playing in the landscape rocks. I was okay with him moving them from one bed to another. I was okay with him using Greg's oil change funnel to sort them (Greg was not okay with that....sorry honey, I am used to a dirty boy at the end of the day, what's a little oil debris going to hurt?) but I drew the line when he was throwing fistfuls into the yard. When I told him to stop, he said "can't hear you"! Playtime was interrupted with a time out and I believe he heard me then! This is just one more area where having teens and toddlers in the same house creates little issues. Lauren covers her ears and says she can't hear me when she is playing around. What is cute for a 14 year old is not so cute coming from a 22 month old! God must really be laughing at me! Teenage girls and a toddler the same time! Really? It's a ride.

We discovered our large decorative window is broken last night. Just one more repair and likely one more series of contractors who will not show up and do the job! We've had multiple appointments with people who just simply do not show up but again, I am grateful to be an at home mom who is here anyway. I can't imagine being a working mom who has to miss work to meet these guys and then have them stand me up. That would not go over well for a "non-local" like me. The nonchalant, laid back, we'll get around to it when we get around to it mentality is something I can't wrap my head around. I am so much more the, "let's get through this list and be done" personality. But then, you probably already knew that! 


  1. I am right there with you on the crying wolf thing!!

    I love that little guy of yours!! He cracks me up :) And, no, I wouldn't sweat the paci - like you said, he won't go to highschool with it.

  2. I wouldn't worry about potty training yet. Boys are so much later than girls are in that department, usually 2 1/2 or a little later than that is a good time to start. Aaron was trained around his 3rd birthday, it took a few months. But, I bet you are ready to quit buying and changing diapers, though!!! I miss ya, girlfriend!!! :)
