Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Oh, Go Fly A Kite!

So we did!

Let's just say this wasn't my day and my frustration level was mounting. So, I put the kid's Easter gifts from my parents together and took them out into the wind to fly kites. Kate and Makenna have never done it and Kate was immediately impressed. She loved it!

As grateful as I am to have made it home safely from Ohio, and I am grateful, the $900 and counting repair bill is not welcomed. And just as I got that call, I walked into my laundry room and found this.....

The ceiling has water marks. Further investigation shows water in the attic started in the roof. Good times. Poor Greg was up for the last 24 hours and is only getting a few hours sleep today before waking up to this mess and heading off to early meetings at work.

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