Monday, April 25, 2011

Another storm's a brewing....

I love stormy nights. Although I don't particularly want damage to my house, I do appreciate lightening and watching trees bend and sway in wind. I admire the way raindrops land in puddles and how water beads up on flowers. Greg and I sleep with the blinds in our bedroom open (since we have no neighbors behind us!) when lightening storms take place at night. There is nothing like falling asleep to the sound of rain and seeing God's light show. However, this is getting a little crazy! We have water everywhere! The Ohio river is so far out of its banks that expressway ramps are closed! This was our view tonight and storms are brewing....every day for the next five days!

Isn't it awesome to look back over a situation and see God's hand on some aspect of your life? I took the kids to Ohio this weekend to see my Grandma and enjoy Easter egg activities with nephews and our niece. It was a good weekend despite Erin's health and Ty's unwillingness to sleep without his own bed. On the way home (in the rain!) I noted that the van was a little "off". It just seemed to be running a little rough. It wasn't a challenge or nerve racking for me so by the time I was in the garage, unloading a very packed van, I forgot to mention it to Greg. This morning; however, I asked Greg to drive it to his dental appointment to see what he thought about it. He backed it out of the driveway and then pulled it right back in. My van is a mess! By all calculations, I should not have been able to drive it home yesterday and yet, by God's grace, we are all home and safe while the van is now at the repair shop seeking repairs and maintenance! God is good and I appreciate the reminder.

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