Thursday, July 2, 2009

Life as we know it

Last night the dog chased a skunk and lost the, that is a powerful odor! Lauren and her friends bathed him outside in tomato juice and he had to spend the night in the garage with the door slightly vented to air it out too. What an adventure. I pray he has learned a valuable lesson and won't be chasing any more black and white "kitties"!

This morning our van broke down on the way home from Erin's last day of summer school PE class. Greg gave up his morning of sleep to work on it only to discover the issue is bigger than anticipated. We have a friend coming over tomorrow to determine if the $1200 estimate on repairs is needed. We are seriously praying it isn't.....lots of unexpected bills lately. We tend to be the "Murphys" of "Murphy's Law".

I had my 37 week appointment today and found that I am 2cm dilated and 80% effaced. Things are slowly moving along. If he doesn't arrive on his own, I will be induced on/around the 14th as a result of the amniotic fluid levels. I pray he cooperates before then. I spoke to Greg's mother tonight to wish her a happy birthday and discovered that Ty was her father's nickname and his birthday was July 8.....this year that date would be 07-08-09....I think that would be a really cool birthday! I am feeling really good these days. All the contractions I was dealing with from 19 weeks on have subsided and my energy is back. I am sleeping better (most nights) and enjoying the reprieve in temperatures/humidity. I honestly cannot complain. I have felt far worse earlier on in this pregnancy so I will happily hang in there until Ty is ready to announce his birthday. Kate asks several times a day when that will be. She is so anxious to be a big sister and cannot believe we don't know what day he's coming.

My parents and sister took her family to Gulf Shores Alabama this week for a vacation. My beautiful nephew, Mason is two years old and refused to get out on the sand all week because it was messy. They enjoyed the pool and some time on the beach but Mason was clearly not happy on the sand. Last night they told the boys they'd be going home today and Mason said he missed his toys. When they asked him what toy he missed, he said his "sandbox"! There is a reason that child is so beautiful!

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