Tuesday, June 23, 2009

36 weeks and counting.....

I woke up this morning to discover our A/C quit working in the night....not too pleasant since the heat index is over 100 today! We have a repair man coming late today, but at least he can come today. It appears we've burned up the motor. Our house is only 5 years old! Honestly, nothing is built to last anymore.

Kate was playing in our room this morning and giggling uncontrollably so Greg called out to her, "Are you jumping on my bed?". She replied, "no, I'm falling on it". She is so much like him it is scary! This afternoon she went to help her sisters take out the neighbor's puppy and came back quite animated about a "creature" she saw in the garage that she thought was a snake until she saw legs and then knew it was a lizard so she "freaked out"! Where does she come up with this stuff?

I saw Dr. Allen this morning and have an ultra sound scheduled for Thursday to check my amniotic fluid levels. It appears they've decreased more so we need to know if Ty's birthday will be moved up..... He is laying "sunny side up" and causing me quite a bit of discomfort so I pray he turns back to prevent a much longer labor than necessary. This little boy is going to start life in trouble with his mommy if this nonsense doesn't stop soon!

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