Saturday, March 7, 2009


Greg is running a fever tonight of 100.8. He is tired and in some pain but had a good day overall. It was beautiful and warm outside today so we spent some time sitting on the swing taking in more fresh air while we can...March can be so fickle. We had our first run at "pin care" today and neither of us faired very well. I didn't have to take care of his pins this fresh after surgery the last time and now know what I was missing....I was feeling quite squeamish by the time we had the old gauze off the pin sites. A warm shower after the old stuff was off cleaned up the leg quite a bit and the new, clean gauze looks much better. We are awaiting a delivery next week of the sterile q-tips and saline solution to do all the pin care but this was a good start. Greg is looking forward to visitors from work tomorrow. He is feeling stir crazy in the house. The distraction of company will do him some good.

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