Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Greg on Drugs....

Greg is doing much better as the week progresses. He describes his pain as constant but not throbbing like it was last week and through the weekend at times. His fever returns occasionally but doesn't last long. The surgeon's office says this is a normal reaction to surgery. He has been feeling stir crazy with few visitors (unlike home in Ohio where we were bombarded by multiple visitors daily). We had extremely warm temperatures yesterday so I took him out to run some errands. He was just a passenger primarily but did venture into Blockbuster to find a few movies. We don't watch movies so anything that has come out since he recovered in 2000 is a new release for us! Anyway, he had taken his pain meds before the drive to make him as comfortable as possible and boy was that entertaining! He was yelling at construction workers who were not tied off that "gravity always wins". He was singing to the girl's music (they were hiding under their seats). He added a few dance moves at times to make them wish they'd stayed home! The entire drive was full of his antics. At home, he is full of himself too....I am praying his boss will let him return to work soon. He will have additional injuries if they don't get him out of here soon. He shakes his water glass yelling "waitress" at me when it is empty, he points out things that could be done as soon as I sit down or appear too busy to deal with one more thing....yep, he needs to go back to work!

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