Friday, June 2, 2023

Week Twenty-two

There was enough heat in the grill after Greg smoked chicken thighs for s'mores. Little man wasn't so sure about the marshmallow texture.

Austin got sand in his eye and was livid. Greg and I helped him rinse it out and in total despair, he complained I didn't care he was going to go blind. Perplexed, I needed further explanation and was told we were out of carrots. Carrots are good for your eyes. The drama around here is legendary. And often exhausting.
Situation has been addressed.

The girls each got ready for the day and laughed when they realized they dressed alike. Greg couldn't help joining them for a ridiculous photo

Greg and I slipped to the farmer's market for fresh strawberries and a bottle of specialty bourbon. A band was playing so we found a spot under a large shade tree to listen for awhile. It's been a long time since we did something so relaxing with no further agenda. And then those strawberries were put to good use with a homemade almond flour cake and whipped cream. Yum.

Monday a rain shower interrupted our dinner on the deck. Austin didn't mind at all. He ran and played in the rain until his mom bribed him with a bath using the bath bomb he painted earlier in the day while shopping for laundry detergent with me. It was a pretty special ending to good old fashioned playtime.

PS. Painted bath bombs leave food coloring residue behind on bathtubs and children. 

Kate left for her final morning of high school on Wednesday and despite her puffy allergy eyes, messy bun, oversized sweatshirt with athletic shorts and both hands full of crap snacks, I wanted a photo to mark the moment. I was suddenly experiencing some big feelings and they took me by surprise. I withheld my urge for the photo, knowing full and well she would have begrudgingly complied but absolutely didn't want the moment remembered with an unflattering image. I get that. My baby has finished high school. I know all too well how winding the path gets from here. I thought I was ready.
He rode with me to a doctor's appointment Wednesday and asked to stop at the gas station. I should have known he was up to something when he was ready to go at eight in the morning. This is the breakfast of champions.

This one has learned to appreciate my swing and his time on the porch with me while I read. He has impressed me lately with his ability to remain on the porch despite all the life that happens in front of our house with dogs on walks, delivery trucks and people. He has it in him to be such a good boy. He just often forgets.

Not dead but I did have to check. That eight am appointment caught up with him Wednesday afternoon.

Thursday marked the one year anniversary of his gotcha day. June 1 will never be the same. Neither will the house or anything in it. But we love the knucklehead. Our neighbor tattled on him recently. When he is let out and she is on her porch, he watches and waits for us to turn our backs so he can creep into her yard to say hi. She said the process takes him about five minutes because he stops and looks over his shoulder every few steps to make sure he is still in the clear. She laughed as she she described his super quick kiss and pets before he sprints back into our yard as if nothing had happened. Oh Diesel. 

Austin wasn't home so Kate took a turn. The neighbors were cracking up. We are THAT house. 

In other news, a decision was made and the neighborhood may never be the same. Austin and Diesel are having a blast but it's slightly terrifying. I'm just glad I was able to persuade Austin to wear a helmet. And now Ty is texting me links to dirt bikes. Of course he is. I told him to talk to Lauren. She is responsible for wild purchases. This also created another parking situation. So I am not only not driving my car because Lauren has it but now I have also lost my parking space in the garage because Austin needed it. 

Austin has been pushing boundaries lately and his momma reached the end of her tolerance level. A color chart was created with limited success. However, Diesel made a "red choice" and it was determined he too needed a color chart. Austin is reveling in power to control Diesel's chart. 

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