Friday, December 30, 2022

Christmas 2022

We canceled Christmas Eve when we still didn't have power and roads from Kentucky were treacherous. The rescheduled date eliminated Theresa and her family and also Erin. I was more than a little disappointed. Add the whole no gift thing we all agreed to and the weekend felt anything but Christmasy. But we found humor in the ridiculous and even made a card we failed to send out. Winter coats in the house is a unique card idea, none the less. I'm still finding ways to honor both sadness and joy living in the same moments. I'm not a "everything happens for a reason" kind of person nor am I inclined to paint silver linings on dark clouds. But disregarding the joy that dwells in the same space is ignoring the hope I also carry. Balance, they say, is the key. Where do I locate that? 

We were well loved on by friends with the delivery of a kerosene heater and so many offers to stay in warm homes. We had frozen water lines and between keeping watch on those and a house full of animals, we didn't feel like leaving was the right choice. We weren't comfortable but it wasn't dangerous, unlike our homeless population. That group remained on my heart all weekend. 

The dog decided he was too precious for the outdoor bathroom and left several opportunities for the floor to be mopped. I'm not in any way impressed with him. He cares not at all. 

Kate's phone went off by 8:30 Christmas morning because the kids she babysits couldn't wait any longer to share their excitement with her. Their relationship is pretty special. And our grandson schooled me on all things Pokemon as he shared his Christmas morning loot. I hope there isn't a quiz later. He then had to pack toys for the move and won't see them again for a few months. 

Kenna came to spend time with us on Christmas Day and thought she'd nap. Diesel assumed he was invited. Of course he did. 

He was literally sleeping like this until I moved to take his picture.

While they napped, Greg reinstalled the smoke detectors that went off at one o'clock in the morning Christmas Eve because we still didn't have power. Nothing silenced them so they were literally pulled out of the ceiling in desperation. And then the closet shelving system that collapsed just before we left for Christmas Eve service was rehung. The day wasn't a total loss of typical Christmas joy though. We bundled up and took off for our annual Christmas Light Scavenger Hunt and even enticed our friends in Texas to join us at the end. 
We called it at the half hour mark and took Kenna home. I'm glad she joined us for this low key Christmas day. Diesel is too.

And then. Monday we hosted the delayed Christmas Eve dinner, minus several guests. We were the crazy people shoveling a path to the grill when it was single digits to make this happen after a false start just two days prior. But steak and crab are the tradition and there would be a serious revolt if I deviated. I may never be forgiven for scaling back the carb-heavy side dishes at Thanksgiving.

Tuesday, Mom and Dad went with me to help Makenna organize her classroom. Dad and I made a pretty good team in her storage closet. Mom took down the tree and Makenna worked on second semester lesson plans. It was fun to see what she has implemented since I was last there helping her prepare for the first semester. 

The first of Erin's multiple health clinics in Zanzibar. She is spending her time studying, job shadowing and eating really well. She was most excited about the food when preparing for her trip.

Erin video chatted through Instagram from her gorgeous hotel room in Zanzibar. She was enjoying  eighty five sunny degrees and incredible accomodations. Meanwhile, Lauren was entertaining Austin out of the way of the movers. Their beautiful home is now empty and clean. And also, no longer theirs. It was a pretty rough week for our girl. I'm praying Hawaii is good to them. 

Wednesday, Diesel and I slipped out for a walk in sunshine. Neither of us could quite believe it. He kept looking over his shoulder as if to ask, "is this real?" We needed it. 

I panicked when I cleaned up his poo off my floor and realized I didn't smell it. The subsequent covid test was negative so I text Greg. He replied, "That dog knows his sh*t doesn't stink!" 😂

Thursday I washed a few windows and took the opportunity to air out the house a bit. Open windows for a few minutes at a time is always a good idea when the air outside is a balmy 50 in December. It was good for my soul.

We wrapped the week without jackets, daily walks and games of basketball in the driveway. We are grateful for the lot of it. 

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