Friday, December 16, 2022


These sweet babies were serving me tea and cake during church Sunday. We'd just met and I officially adore them 

The week was rough. Unbeknownst to me, I was in the throws of a reaction to an antibiotic. My heart raced, my hands shook and my mind swirled for days before it occurred to me what was new in my routine. The rash that later appeared solidified my suspicion. Put that on top of sugar coated children bouncing off the walls and an emergency in my son-in-law's family meant we juggled chaos and big feelings most of the week. 

But the family situation brought my girl home for a few days and the energy our grandson brings with her is absolute light. He holds my heart firmly in his hands. He knows this. 

He also brought his elf, to the delight of Kate who has always desired one of her very own. Her mom is terrible. But she had a blast setting up scenes for Buddy. Austin was amused when Mimi pretended to be afraid of the elf that stalked him across multiple state lines.

This is what high quality writing looks like, according to the child who had two weeks to write two essays. He chose the morning of the due date to write them both. I'm going to need to spike that tea before we get the heck out of middle school.

Ty scored a day out of school for a mid day CT scan of his wrist. Our bridge is closed and it's causing double commutes for anyone needing to be in Louisville. Add the inability to eat before the scan, and it was just best for everyone to give us both the day off. But holy traffic jams, Batman. This season is a mess without cutting off a main highway. He weathered the day fairly well but when he lamented the free sample of chicken broth at Costco, I knew he was fading fast! We get his results next week during a follow up with the surgeon.

A friend's son performed in White Christmas at our local dinner theater so we skipped traditional Bible study for a field trip Tuesday. We were out way past my bedtime but it was absolutely worthwhile. I love these women. 
Kenna needed a shirt for an ugly Christmas sweater contest. She allowed her students to create this original work of art. She left "ugly" out of her description when proposing it to her favorite four year olds. One of them insisted she call me for my reaction. Of course, I was blown away by the talent. Miss Makenna is a pretty sweet teacher.

A set of twins in kindergarten gave me an ornament and body wash from Bath and Body this week. The next day, one of them was sniffing up and down my arm. When questioned he declared he needed to know if I'd used my new soap yet. Busted. Count on five year olds to call you out. Every time. 
We met the Baughmans half way to Dayton last Saturday and called it Christmas. I'm grateful for the simplicity after so many years of hoop jumping to make someone else's vision come true. This is Kate with Brad's oldest, Lizzie. This was also the only picture taken. Sigh.

Thursday evening, Ty surprised his girlfriend by showing up at her basketball game. They barely spoke, avoided eye contact and were as awkward as one would expect in a seventh grade relationship. It made me smile. 

This guy keeps swiping candy canes off the tree. He thinks he needs minty breath.

Tonight, Taylor joined us for dinner. I'm grateful he views our home as a reprieve from the hospital and stress associated with his family situation right now. He really does feel like a son to us. Lauren, in lamenting the need to be both at home managing the move and here to support Taylor confessed she needs to control just one thing. I laughed, "I'm really sorry you inherited that from your dad." (Insert sarcastic smirk here.)

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