Friday, October 28, 2022

The Fourth Day

The truth is, she usually gives me a thumbs up before going back that I can send her dad. This time, she flipped me off. She is over it. Of course she knows me pretty well by now, so she revised her stance to be more mom-friendly. 

I think we should be able to use the HSA card to pay for post-op brunch at this point.

I spent the weekend being spoiled, loved, pushed emotionally and spiritually recharged. It was quite worthwhile but I was ready get home. Hours later, I was back out the door for Erin's latest and God willing, final surgery. She spent the night with us recovering and being well fed. We have this routine down. 

After our three day Emmaus Walk, we are released into the world for what the community calls, the fourth day. We are encouraged to take our spiritual renewal and example of unconditional love into the world. And whereas I was not called into additional areas of ministry, I am refreshed to better serve where I am already planted. 

One of the aspects of the weekend involves large, handmade meals. Due to my grain free diet, I had a lady catering exclusively to me. It was humbling, to say the least. This saint made me a personal dessert and large casserole dish of food for every meal. I would have never made most of it for myself. As result, I am not going to be wearing pants with buttons anytime soon. On the second night of being waited on, discouraged from picking up a plate or helping with anything, I realized how it must feel to be someone else living in my house. I'm just going to leave that thought right here. 

After this lengthy nap, I took him to pick Ty up from school. Much to my shock and surprise, he jumped out the window of the moving car to greet a dog on a leash in a neighbor's yard a street over. I was pretty angry. He was not only unharmed, but also unconcerned with my frustration and embarrassment.

Our family speaks loving and gentle words to one another.  

I missed a few days of work caring for Erin but was thrown right back into full swing with an evening event for our students and their families and also another four hours of homework for next week's class. The Fourth Day requires naps, I've determined. 

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