Friday, September 2, 2022

Life as we know it

The boy bragged he submitted a homework assignment at 11:58 pm because it was due at 11:59. He thought it was funny. Meanwhile, I'm risking my Christianity every morning getting his butt out of bed because he doesn't want to get up. Is ear boxing still a thing? It should be. 

Oh GPS, don't taunt me. 
Some decisions are harder than they should be. I went to work despite Ty agreeing to Tj Maxx, "even though I hate shopping there. It's better than school."

First grader: you have grey hair.
Me: yes and I earned every one of them hanging out with kids.
First grader: that makes sense.

Greg and I video called Austin Wednesday night because it had been a few days since we last chatted. Lauren answered, signaling to remain quiet as she turned the camera so we could watch him do yoga dressed as a dinosaur. It was absolutely the highlight of our week.

Kate was hit with a sudden and aggressive asthma attack Thursday that ended with a steroid shot, breathing treatments every four hours around the clock, and much to her dismay, orders to spend several days at home. I took some time off work to observe her. Generally we roll with the punches during these episodes, but this one hit differently. We were not impressed. 

Drywall dust may be a permanent addition to the decor around here but we hope to complete the dog house under the stairs this weekend.

We started a small project under our stairs for the rowdiest among us. It has become clear Diesel will require crating for the foreseeable future, so he is getting a larger space. Erin, a bit jealous, told him she had to buy a house before she got her own room and accused him of being spoiled. 

I took Kate for a sushi date and as she shoved a giant roll into her mouth, she cracked up. A man across the restaurant was watching. She giggled as she shoved yet another large bite into her mouth, "I think I know why I don't have a boyfriend."

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