Friday, January 14, 2022


A few years ago, a married daughter asked a very specific sexual health question and I answered it honestly. In a recent visit, our son-in-law, one who is, by the way, trusted with matters of national security, revealed said information in front of our other children. They were, of course, mortified. One child chose to share her discomfort about this situation with her therapist but failed to mention how she came to gain the specific information. Long story short. The "teach your kids to talk" thing is highly overrated. And also, I don't ever want to see that therapist again.

Ty had another archery tournament last weekend and once again raised his personal score. The first half of the shoot was shot at ten meters and his groupings were fantastic. They then backed up to fifteen meters and he froze. He has a specific goal he is working toward this weekend as result. It was pretty sweet watching him so focused and determined. 

She sent this stating we needed a "glow up".

Erin was interviewed for a podcast that highlights cancer survivor stories. We are biased, but think she did a great job. The link is posted here, if interested. 

Ty started discussing his faith journey several weeks ago after he blew me away with his retelling of a conversation he had with a peer. That student expressed displeasure with God and all His rules. Ty thoughtfully suggested he may want to consider that God only wants a relationship with him. Needless to say, I was pretty stunned and it launched deeper discussions which lead to his private baptism this past weekend. Despite his discernment, he is still very much our "under radar" kid and this was something he wanted done quietly. 

Makenna finished her first degree with cum laude status. She starts her next program in a few weeks where she remains a bit on the fence about her specialty. Whereas she loves special education, she does not love the direction education is headed. Long term, teaching may not be the best fit. She is seriously considering speech pathology so she can still work with her favorite little people but maybe not be responsible for the insanity that comes with the teacher title. 

In what felt like a terrible step backward, the district Ty and I attend made the decision to temporarily shut down due to covid spread and the resulting staffing issues. It felt heavy and disappointing. Ty, on the other hand, is planning to live his best Fortnite life for the next week. We all process this our own way, I suppose. 

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