Saturday, December 18, 2021

Still Christmasing....

Twas the second full week of December and I woke Tuesday convinced it was Friday. It made for a long week but we made it across the semester threshold, mostly intact. Candy coated school children caroled through the halls and quite literally bounced too. It was a good week despite the energy. And my boss? Well, I think we broke him.

Erin got amazing news and I've already written about it here but we are still basking in the glow of it all. Our girl is healthy. The roller coaster stopped. It's likely just a brief season, but we are catching our breath.

This week held two archery tournaments for Ty who is still new to this level of competition but gained 29 points in his second shoot over his first. He is enjoying the process. 

The tree tried to attack the cat. That's his story and he is sticking to it.

We realized how much we are enjoying this particular parenting season when two nights in a row I failed to make dinner and no one starved. Of course they haven't yet mastered the art of kitchen clean-up but I have enough parenting experience to know that will happen. Of course they won't live with me anymore, but they will eventually figure it out. 
We clean up well. Greg's company hosted a Christmas party last Saturday night and we enjoyed a meal we didn't prepare with live music and quality conversation. 

This morning, I prepared food and encouraged sleepy kids from bed so we could make the three hour trek to Dayton for Greg's family Christmas. Greg decided to harass me about occupying the kitchen he wanted access to and I quipped that someone had to get ready for this trip. He smirked, as he often does, and challenged that he too was contributing. He worked out because someone has to be the eye candy. (Insert eye roll here.)

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