Saturday, November 20, 2021

Leaves, Laughter and Sleep

Our son-in-law fell and dislocated his finger running through a firehouse in a nun costume for a game of tag I have failed to fully understand but have fallen over laughing, none the less. Greg, on the other hand, as a safety director sees no humor in a workers compensation claim and OSHA recordable incident because boys were behaving like idiots. Poor Noah has some face to save at both our house and at work in the coming weeks. 

Kate's old gymnastics coach has contacted us about restarting classes in January and would like Kate to assist her coaching kids. She is looking forward to resuming some time on the mat after a three year hiatus due to the knee tumor and second concussion. My fingers are crossed helmets are considered reasonable in the gym these days.

Ty laughed at himself as he emerged for the day. Apparently he had just spent fifteen minutes looking for the clothes he'd laid out the night prior. He was already wearing them. This was on the heels of another morning he freaked out he forgot to wear a shirt under his jacket as we pulled into the school parking lot. He was panicked and stressed because we didn't have time to circle back. After we were parked, he laughed, "um, I found my shirt. I'm wearing it after all." He is not a morning person. 

On the way home from school one day this week, Ty asked, "Mom, do deaf people think we are screaming when we yawn?" I couldn't stop laughing long enough to answer him. Fortunately he also got to giggling and wasn't offended by my reaction. Welcome to the brain of the boy who ponders a lot of things, none of them academic. 

A leaf fight broke out on the playground Friday and miraculously, no one was injured. It was pure joy listening to the squeals as they ran, tossing leaves in the air and at one another. I think I prefer leaf fights to snowball fights. No dryer required. 

I confessed I usually go to bed before 8pm most Friday nights and was met with two teachers who readily agreed they do as well. This school gig is rewarding but oh so exhausting. Me too, Ava. Me too.

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