Friday, October 1, 2021


Saturday Ty attended his first birthday party in years. He was invited by a kid he met at school. The theme was nerf war and for hours,  several 11, 12 and 13 year old boys had a blast shooting one another with nerf bullets. I loved the simplicity of the event. However, the mom I met at drop off, was significantly more tired at pick up. God bless her. 

Sunday, Ty went to the zoo with Kendra's family and returned home with a pop-it, the latest figit toy sitting on teacher's desks in all classrooms everywhere. He loves it. Of course he does. 

We decided we may be a mess but at least we have each other. 

It had been a few days since Greg and I last looked at each other and commented, "well, this seems unnecessary." This is something we do to laugh when life feels stupid; stupid in a , "are we on camera? Is this ridiculousness entertaining someone out there? kind of way." And then Kate had chest pain Monday. It increased throughout the evening. I suggested ibuprofen because my gut told me it was a case of pleurisy.  Tuesday morning she was not better but went to school in hope of making it through the day. The school nurse, who thank God is an intelligent nurse, called late morning and suggested she needed to see her doctor because it didn't sound like asthma but air was not moving well in her lungs. She informed me RSV, pneumonia and bronchitis are all going through the school. 

She saw the doctor Tuesday afternoon and was sent immediately for chest x-rays. We soon learned she had not only pleurisy but also pneumonia. She did not respond to the medication, so Thursday she returned to the doctor for an antibiotic shot and stronger oral antibiotics. They prescribed breathing treatments and rest for the upcoming weekend; the weekend we are moving Makenna and celebrating her simple wedding. There is absolutely never a dull moment around here. However, we once again laughed our way through the seemingly unnecessary drama because falling apart simply wasn't an option.
It appears Ty was sleepwalking Thursday night. His blanket was left with the bread as a calling card of sorts. He has no memory of nighttime snacking but we were amused, none the less. 

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