Friday, August 20, 2021

Life is Loud

The world has been too loud lately; so very loud. Being someone who eliminated the twenty-four hour news cycle decades ago, it took awhile to recognize the impact of watching people destroy one another in real time. I could no longer scroll past the ugly and deactivated Facebook. I had been considering it for some time because a lot of the information I'd like to have about the kids' schools and important issues in the lives of people I care are shared primarily on that platform, but in the end, decided ignorance may very well be bliss. I made no announcement, just quietly escorted myself out while visiting family who spent a half dozen hours debating a vaccine some trust and others don't. I'm exhausted. And while I sat praying for family peace, the pool containing my son burst open. He was sucked through the opening, drug under the deck and spit out through lattice on the other side. Miraculously, he suffered only superficial scrapes and bruises. Is it crazy I looked around at the swirling flood waters and my fully intact son and felt relief? God's got this despite the insanity of it all but as Greg and I processed later, we ran through the "what ifs" and hugged our boy a little tighter. 

Someone is catching up to Grandma and is delighted. I'm guessing they will be eye to eye at Christmas. 

When we weren't arguing about politics and science, we were celebrating birthdays. My mom turned seventy last week. My nephew turns seventeen this week and it is also my sister's birthday. Missing was my son-in-law who also celebrated a birthday this weekend. 

Taken five days before a seizure sent her into the hospital. 

Kate's best friend has been suffering for three weeks with a sudden onset neurological issue. As a strong, multi-sport athlete, it's difficult to see her wheelchair bound, unable to take herself to the restroom. Kate and I are remaining as close as we can without intruding. We spent some time with her Sunday afternoon, laughing and appreciating the small improvement to her constant twitching. The entire situation has been unnerving for everyone involved, including the slew of stumped medical professionals. If you pray, please keep Grace and her family close. Kate could use some prayers as well.
We kidnapped Grace for a Target run Thursday. It was so good to get her out for something other than medical appointments. 

Erin scored an internship with a program designed to spread cervical cancer awareness and provide HPV vaccines in third world countries. She will be gaining multiple certifications and trainings she can use in her future career in healthcare administration. 
We will be updating her headshot this weekend for their new website. We are pretty proud of her ability to turn a painful journey into a passion to protect others.
Greg often comes home from work in desperate need of a shower. Poor Makenna said something about it this week. She is expected to make a full recovery. 

Our sweet grandson experienced his first broken heart when his beloved Carlos died. Austin loved that fish, always the first thing he greeted each morning and the last thing he said goodnight to each night. He called to tell me Carlos was sick and he cried. He wanted to take him to the doctor and was devestated to learn it wouldn't help. His final plea was for Carlos to be small and a baby again so he wouldn't get old and die. That little guy crushed me. 

Kate's first major journalism assignment has her interviewing three people for an article about a significant event in someone's life. She chose to learn more about her dad's accident since the incident occurred years before her birth. We suspect seeing her youth group leader in a similar situation made her more aware of the impact it had on our family. She's also interviewing me and Kristin for different perspectives. I'm looking forward to reading the finished product and seeing what she learns about us in the process.
Me: Ty, have you finished your math homework yet? Ty: no. Oliver won't let me. 

This sweet boy told his mom to send Mimi a cute picture. I'm glad she did. He has surgery to repair his hernia on the third of September. 

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