Friday, July 9, 2021

Summer Break Week Six

Saturday we made a round trip drive to Dayton in order spend a few hours celebrating Carol's 80th birthday. Kate enjoyed her cousins four wheeler and dirt bikes. Ty appreciated a few moments on the trampoline before an asthma attack put a damper on the reminder of the day. We took a brief tour of the land Dale and Carol purchased and saw the temporary cottage they are calling home until their new home is built. We all missed the cabin and pond this visit.

Sunday, we invited the Rentschler family for lunch and just as they were leaving, Erin and Kennedy arrived for the day. We enjoyed a fairly relaxed day before heading up the road to a small town firework display. 

Monday Kate, Ty and I had routine dental cleanings. Afterward, we took a birthday balloon to David Jr's grave. We have promised his parents we won't forget him or his birthday. We know first hand how important that is. We all want everyone to remember our child. Always. We then headed to lunch and out to replace Ty's three month old shoes. The boy is ridiculously hard on shoes but as he was laying back in the dental chair, I noticed he wasn't going to make it to back-to-school shopping before updating them. The tread was eliminated and pieces of the sole were missing. Good grief.
Monday afternoon Kate and I went thrifting. She scored a vintage Ohio State University sweatshirt and I found some blouses that still had store tags attached. We both left pleased with our purchases. 

We knocked a day of swimming off our bucket list when the Hills invited us over. It's odd to think it took us six weeks to make it to a pool with a few friends offering their backyards but we've been busy doing other things. The four kids hadn't been together in quite some time so it was fun to watch them pick right back up where they left off. 

A friend hurt his feelings and he was wiped out from a fun afternoon in the sun and water. It took awhile to coax him to the dinner table and this is how he somewhat faced the world. Life is hard sometimes. 

Friday we hosted a sweet friend for the day. Kendra called Ty her life support as she navigated the creek for the first time.

Greg and I are celebrating our twenty-seventh anniversary today; however, our sixteen year old daughter got to go out on a "not a date" of dinner and a movie. As she pulled away, I cried. Makenna had Lauren on video chat who yelled at me, "dry those tears Mom and call the police! That man just drove off with our Kate!" The remain calm gene is strong around here.

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