Friday, June 4, 2021

Summer Break Week One

Ty and I landed in Louisville just after midnight, ushering in June 1st. He was delighted he was awake and able to text Kendra her very first birthday wish of the day. I adore their friendship. 

Tuesday, Kate and I grabbed lunch on the way to an appointment and delivered lunch to Erin for a quick glimpse. I have missed her. We then grocery shopped because my presence had been missed the prior week. It was noted we lacked all.the.things in our kitchen and Greg didn't go to the store because he doesn't like to. Lord help my children if something happens to me because their father just assume starve than meal plan.

We created our summer bucket list, which is once again laid-back and full of hikes, smores, fishing and visits with friends. The highlight being a trip to Georgia, of course.

Makenna spent the week on vacation with a friend's family on Cape San Blas. She loved the relaxed beach as much as the quiet bay she explored for sea life. 

Wednesday I purged the attic because it was cool enough to work up there without risking a heat stroke. It felt good to unload the things we have been hoarding over the years, citing sentimental value or fear of being rude for not keeping unused gifts. Being in one home for fifteen years has made me soft. When we moved more frequently, I brutally eliminated all the unnecessary items rather than pack them. It felt productive to knock that item off the endless list of things to do. 

We knocked The Falls of Ohio off our bucket list between rain showers on Thursday. The water level was so low, we were able to explore more than ever before. It was a gorgeous moment on an otherwise rainy day. It took until Thursday afternoon for me to feel like I could slow down and enjoy an outing. Catching up after the last few weeks of non-stop running was not easy. A friend described it well. "We were drowning." The balancing of mom, a home and an employee is anything but simple. Thank goodness for two months of summer where I will still juggle a full schedule, but at least the employee role will be removed.

We then headed over to the skate park for Ty to practice on his skateboard. He is lamenting the broken bike from last fall so we need to replace it soon. I was holding out for his birthday next month. Time will tell if we make it that far before I cave. He needs motivation to play outside sometimes and a new bike could do the trick. Ty is a much happier kid when he is outside.

Before leaving, Makenna left instructions. I needed to provide larger space for the miniature knock out rose gifted me just a month ago. Although my thumb is anything but green,  happy accidents occur.

Today, Kate and I abandoned two different sets of plans for a variety of reasons and ended up shopping and grabbing an ice cream treat together. It was good to spend some time with her. Ty, on the other hand, was living his best life playing at Kendra's house. It was a perfect ending to a crazy week.

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