Friday, March 19, 2021

Spring is in the Air

I finally added a sticker to my chart, at the insistence of Amanda. Apparently tapping out and telling your husband you need him to deal with the follow-up on unfulfilled requests because you are too depleted to handle it well is self care. Who knew? I thought I was looking out for the boy who didn't deserve a frustrated mom after a long day of kindergarten. But I went to Bible study and the boy did what was asked. I heard no drama. This was a win. And apparently, also a sticker.

Erin went home last Thursday night after a hard, emotional week. She is much stronger now and returned to work today. Her four weeks medical leave flew by. As we processed the three lesions located in her uterus, we all had moments of strong emotions. She quite literally was the ticking time bomb she used to describe her situation. Now that she has won the battle for her health, she is understanding the cost. My girl is tough but this is hard. She has already lost a relationship due to the loss of potential future children. Timing could have been better, to say the least.

I celebrated Hump Day with two of my favorites this week with our first trip to the local ice cream shoppe of the season. The nosy neighbor watching the drive thru is adorable. My kids fell in love. We'll be back.

Kate sometimes assists me in pre-k at church. We are failing at social distancing. Thank goodness.
Ty spent the week in quarantine again. He was identified as a close contact at school. He hasn't left the house since last Friday with the exception of a drive thru once. So we have been looking for more indoor entertainment. Yes Day on Netflix was cute and a great movie to watch together. It isn't often we find things that appeal to all of us. But anytime I can get both Kate and Ty to snuggle, I'm in.
Lauren sent this photo Tuesday from one of their morning jam sessions. They sing and dance all the time. Greg and I just love watching Lauren and Taylor. They clearly enjoy being parents. We wish we could have relaxed and enjoyed the ride as much as they do. Our grandson is one lucky kiddo.

I resumed a daily walk with a neighbor who can meet right after school. We only get in about a half hour each day but I appreciate being able to stretch and catch up with a friend without giving up meal prep time and evenings with the family. The fact we didn't need coats? Perfect. 

Friday morning I booked a trip and surprised Ty that afternoon. I was so excited to tell him because I knew he would be shocked.
It was so much fun planning. I can't wait for our weekend. 

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