Saturday, February 6, 2021

Cancer, Covid and a Snow Day

Erin and I met with an incredible doctor at the Norton Cancer Institute this week. She was thorough, compassionate, smart and exactly who Erin needed. The cells have not only attached to the cervix again but they are migrating up into the uterus. Dr. Parker was relieved Erin wanted the hysterectomy because she is out of other options. As it stands right now, she will be having a partial hysterectomy on March 16. She needs to have some additional testing completed to analyze ovary function before determining if a total hysterectomy will be the final decision. I am obviously praying the ovaries can remain for her overall long term health but am slowly reaching the point of accepting this is well beyond my control. The entire situation is. Erin is relieved. My heart is quite heavy. 

There were some big feelings. Chocolate was required. 

Lauren and Austin both have mild cases of covid. Lauren also had it in September but was much sicker then. Her current symptoms were dismissed as sinuses and allergies for days until another child in Austin's class tested positive. Taylor has had one vaccine and is due for his second but will be tested on Monday as he too is mildly symptomatic. But Lauren sent me a meme Friday that indicated quarantine may be wearing her out.

I miss them all. I hope despite Erin's surgery, we are able to see each other over spring break. That baby is good for my soul. The whole family being together is too, even if it can get rather chaotic. Listening to phone calls between sisters about Erin's appointments and hearing them laugh and love well indicates we didn't get it all right parenting them, but they show up for each other.

Remnants of a snow fort after a slight warm-up in the sunshine 

Ty finally returned to the classroom on Tuesday after scoring a snow day on Monday. He was ready to see his teacher and friends again. E-learning was lonely. Wednesday he returned to his reading support program and left school that day completely defeated and overwhelmed. The program was designed to be a service for kids who struggle but a new face in that classroom has grossly misunderstood her role. Given how little head space I had for conflict, I withdrew him rather than attempt to problem solve. The impact of my knee-jerk reaction didn't register until the following morning where Greg, the stoic one in this marriage, confirmed it was the right call despite the way I handled it. Ty has made entirely to much growth in confidence this year to allow it to be sabotaged by a misguided teacher we happen to know won't back down from her methods despite what would best serve her students. Apparently my respond vs. react mantra has limits. Or room for improvement. 

She still sits on my lap regularly; the fact she doesn't actually fit a mute point.

Kate finally had some girlfriend time this week. Sister spends the vast majority of her days alone and it concerns me. She has one best friend and is selective about who she allows to get close. In the long-run, this will serve her well but for the time being, it can be rather isolating. Covid restrictions won't likely permit her back into the high school this year. She believes this is amazing but I have serious reservations. 

Makenna is working three part time jobs and attending four classes this semester. We catch glimpses of her around dinner time most days. But it's fascinating to brainstorm with her about students who struggle in the classroom; as she works with special needs learners. What I am gleaning is that we all have special needs at times and my kid has some excellent advice for the smallest of friends.

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