Saturday, December 5, 2020

Sibling Christmas

Kate gave Ty a giant charging/outlet stand because the boy has electronics plugged in all over the house. He was seriously pumped and thrilled with what was supposed to be a joke. As it turns out, all of them loved their gifts and have voted to do it again next year.

When they decided a few months ago to exchange silly gifts this year with a $20 limit, I was a little worried someone's feelings could unintentionally be hurt. However, I was quickly proven wrong as they each enthusiastically searched for the perfect surprise. The results were hilarious and deemed the best Christmas ever by the young adults. 

The kids and I went together to have Greg's prescription put into his old reading glasses frames so he would stop wearing his safety glasses everywhere. He threatened to wear both. Of course he did.

Ty gave gifts to Erin, a toaster kitchen timer because she jumps every time the toaster pops and a book, How to Talk to Your Cat About Gun Safety. 

My gift from the kids. By this point, Greg was fairly certain he was being roasted. 

Erin gave a gift to Lauren and Taylor groaned. Lauren thinks this is going to be displayed on their mantle. 

Lauren gave a gift to Makenna and she is ready to frame one for her car, one for her office and one for her nightstand. Layla's face as royalty is pretty entertaining. 

Makenna bought a Mathew Gray Gubler tapestry for Kate and she literally had tears of joy in her eyes as she opened it. It is the strangest but most loved of the exchanged gifts. 

After the gift exchange, the older kids played a game and are happy to report they solved all three paths before time ran out. They worked well together. 

Austin and I made cookies while the game was played. He was clearly on a sugar rush by the end of decorating as frosting was licked straight out of the bowl. He couldn't control his belly laughs and the rest of us were in tears laughing along. 

Of course, no gathering is complete without a nerf battle breaking out so Ty, Austin and Taylor kicked off lazer tag. Chaos is the working theme here. Always.

Oh, and that tapestry? It's the gift that keeps on giving.....

We have slightly different decorating styles. 

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