Friday, September 25, 2020

Fall is in the Air

After announcing she was doing algebra and has lost the will to live, she screamed into our perfectly quiet evening, "slide seven just up and walked away! I hate projects." It was otherwise a happy Saturday night around here.

Greg doesn't care for smores so he spreads peanut butter on chocolate bar pieces instead. Layla was pretty interested in checking it out. 

I took Makenna and Noah out for two year dating anniversary photos. They laughed and played around so much, I was at one point, sitting on the ground laughing too hard to capture the hilarity. We were fighting for the last of the day's light and couldn't pull it together but the results are beautiful and the candids remain my favorite. 

Every boy I have ever shot at some point during the session requests action shots. It never fails and always amuses me. Of course capturing this particular candid may always be my favorite shot of them....

My Sunday afternoon session canceled at the last minute (with a good reason) so I found myself available to hang out with three of my girls exploring a craft store and a few other shops. Their banter back and forth entertains me as much as it exhausts me after awhile. They are a mess together. I found myself missing Lauren's contribution. There is just something about their bond and they way they feed off each other that keeps me laughing and often shocked.

Wednesday I made the first apple crisp of the season and had no regrets. 

Makenna spent the week house sitting for friends. It was a tiny glimpse into our near future as she plans to move out soon. However, she swung by daily to check out the dinner menu. In a nutshell, not much will change once she moves out as we only see her occasionally anyway.

Erin stopped by for dinner and washed a load of laundry Thursday night. I asked her to tackle a quick project for me while she was here. 

2020 planner:

2021 planner:

Ty has reinstated his plea for a pet tarantula.  We are going with a firm no on this. 

Tonight, Greg and I dined on the patio together. It was the perfect ending to another long week. 

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