Friday, August 28, 2020


I spent the better part of the week pretty frustrated with the person who grocery shops for my house. Plot twist: that lady is me. There wasn't a piece of chocolate (or any sugar, for that matter) to be had and I NEEDED it. Wednesday, I caved and made no bake cookies. Life improved immediately. 

Sunday afternoon we made short work of leftover pulled pork. This was a huge success. We will revisit the giant nachos again sometime.

After almost two weeks of Kate's asthma requiring daily breathing treatments, we decided to keep her home for virtual learning. Between the masking, the deep cleaning chemicals, and a ban on nebulizers in the health office, we felt it was simply the best choice for the time being. I am still feeling quite unsettled about her sitting at home on a computer all day so it wasn't a decision made without reservations. Significant reservations. 

Our grandson called requesting new shoes and specified they be Spiderman. He also asked for crocs. This Mimi thinks crocs are ugly so I purchased the Spiderman shoes. He was delighted. The fact I also sent Spiderman Gummi snacks sweetened the reaction. This Mimi gig is simply the best. 

He tried on hand-me-down clothes and his daddy shared photos. Seriously, he is one adorable kiddo.

Kate decided Layla needed a pedicure. Despite my concern she would chew her nails, the nail polish remained in place. Layla is spoiled. Now that I think about it, Kate is too.

Wednesday evening a small friend visited briefly and I caught myself repeatedly referring to myself as Miss Sherri. "Miss Sherri likes your ballet outfit". By the time I'd spoken in third person a handful of times, I worried I was losing my mind. Twenty two kindergarteners are apparently the tipping point, as I have teetered on the edge for quite some time.

Kate, who still struggles occasionally with short term memory loss had to write about a favorite gift for a class last week. She shared she remembered her favorite childhood toy. She went on to describe the train, the texture of the elephant's ears and how she felt when she opened the present. When we looked through scrapbooks to locate the gift in her memory,  I was pretty stunned she recalled so much detail from her second birthday. 

Friday while I was at work, Makenna and Kate cleaned the house for me around their classes. Thanks to their efforts, the weekend promises much needed rest. 

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