Monday, July 13, 2020


A new skateboard was the birthday request this year. He desires instant skills, as patience is not his strong suit. The boy remains an exhausting joy, one we had no idea we needed when he startled us with his arrival eleven years ago. He hasn't ceased surprising us since. He is intense and has a strong sense of justice, one that often fails to extend grace. But his love for animals and those he recognizes as somehow in need of gentleness, reveals his sensitive spirit. We are occasionally left speechless by his perspective because he holds so much of what spins around in that brain of his to himself; his customary shrug his preferred method of communication. That being said, he is still very much in the phase that requires forty-five minutes to summarize a thirty minute episode when he feels like sharing.

He still snuggles with his mom and nightly attempts stealing his dad's side of the bed. His laugh is contagious. He is not yet fluent in sarcasm, as he believes all sarcastic comments need literal interpretations. We are amused but forbidden to laugh as he is still finding his footing in this loud house of strong girls.

His imagination runs wild and so few are able to follow his elaborate plans. Uno is his favorite family game and his smack talk has dramatically improved in recent years. As a side note, all family games played with Ty require M&M's. It's a rule.

He delights us, amuses us, exhausts us and entertains us. And today he is eleven. Happy birthday, Ty David. We love you.

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