Thursday, June 18, 2020

Sumner Break Week Four

We spent the weekend caring for Erin. She rested well and ate well too. Friends stopped by to check on her and cluttered our counter with sweet treats. People know her love language.

Monday morning Layla went in for her annual checkup. We delayed it a few months so I could accompany her inside the office rather than use curbside service. Under normal circumstances, curbside would be a dream but Layla has had enough issues in recent months, I wanted a face to face conversation. Layla was stressed about the masks and was not her usual perky self during the appointment. But other than an ear infection, she looked good. We have started allergy medications to prevent the hive breakouts and were delighted to learn we could use an over the counter medication we already had on hand.

Monday afternoon, my parents arrived to see Erin and we all held down deck chairs while she napped and then despite my best efforts to sway her, she elected to return to her house that night. Tim came to get her settled and returned Tuesday to sit with her. She wasn't alone in her still sleepy, crampy state but I was not ready to let her go. I was accused of overreacting when I hid her keys and questioned Tim's qualifications. Whereas he is an ICU nurse, he still isn't her mom. I stand by my actions.

Tuesday, Ty spent the day with his best friend since first grade. They had twelve hours together and still begged for more when I insisted we had to leave. Her mom sent photos when she could get them to stop moving long enough to take some. I love their friendship and have high hope they continue to remain close throughout their lives.

While Ty was occupied, Kate and I had chiropractic appointments and a day out together. It was our first visit to TJ Maxx and Home Goods since February. We found very little we wanted to purchase but it was lovely getting out and seeing a bit of the world beyond our house and the grocery store. We joined Greg on a patio for lunch and made the most of errands Ty would have loathed.

Wednesday my friend Lana joined me at Erin's for lunch and then I escorted Erin to Costco. It made for a long day and wiped her out but she commented it was good to get out and about. Her biopsy results were mostly good news. The lesions had increased in both location and severity; however, the cells in the margins beyond the lesions and deeper within the cervix were all clear. We follow-up with her doctor again next week for ongoing treatment options.

Thursday Kate left for a five day camping trip with her best friend and Ty and I were invited to have lunch with friends. That night I picked up our buddy Benjamin for the weekend. Goodness we have missed him. We had planned on picking him up for his birthday in March but the world shut down and erased that plan along with so many others.
Friday morning, the kid's combined birthday gift arrived after two failed deliveries over the last three months. Ty was beyond excited but waited to open it until he could record the event, "my fans were waiting for this." His fans are us, his family plus two friends.

The air track is a hit and Kate will be delighted when she returns. Rumor has it the air track may also serve as the base to a fort tonight for a rowdy sleepover for a couple of stinky boys.

The saying is that God doesn't give us more than we can handle. That isn't biblically accurate. What the bible actually states is that God gives you whatever it takes for you to fully rely upon him. This is a strong testament to just exactly how stubborn I am. In my world, it is literally always something.

Layla had been acting strangely since her appointment in Monday. We chalked a lot of her unusual behavior up to anxiety over masks worn in the vet, Erin and Ada leaving again, Makenna being away all weekend and any number of other things. However, as the week progressed, it became clear something was quite wrong. And so Layla and I visited the vet for the second time this week on Friday afternoon. And of course they found nothing wrong. I was conflicted, wanting answers but not wanting it to be anything significant. She was perky and ate her weight in treats in the office. After I paid the bill though, Layla and I were not in a good place. This bothers her exactly zero percent. There is a reason she is pretty.

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