Monday, April 6, 2020

Weekend Review

Saturday some strong feelings were expressed and it took a quality dinner and bon fire to repair relationships. The quarantine is starting to wear on the most active among us.

We started a family journal to document how we are navigating the pandemic. It's revealing how deeply a child wrestled with school and how difficult this sitting and waiting is for another. Some of us focused on the positive impact such as realizing how much will not be returning to our full calendar after the quarantine ends while others suspect the entire thing is a giant social experiment. And then there is the boy, "I am happy." He is a little man of many words.
Anyone who knew this boy his preschool years, will recall his green Ninja outfit. Those memories came flooding back when he emerged Sunday morning dressed like this. This poor kid needs a haircut and lessons on how to match clothes. He resists both suggestions. Strongly.

Sunday afternoon Erin came to work on our deck because her cat chewed through her router cord and she has assignments due. We loved seeing her and failed to maintain social distancing. We've missed her tremendously.
Sunday, while listening to our church sermon, we worked on a puzzle......and of course was missing a piece. I do not posess the ability to sit and listen to anything online or otherwise so the puzzle was required. But I was surprised to see how eagerly each member of the family contributed to the completion.
Ty's tv time is not being limited much these days. He does a good job of finding things to do outside when we insist he step away but the cat loves the company and prefers we leave him alone.

Sunday afternoon, the litter box and Pip's cage got cleaned in time for Monday's garbage pick up. While we were at it, Pip was bathed. He does not like baths and hisses clear through it but is pretty lively afterward.

Sunday evening, I had a photoshoot and when I returned, Greg met me in the driveway. We took a drive and got an ice cream through a drive-thru as a needed date. Sitting in a vacant parking lot has become date worthy. Suddenly we are teens again.

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