Friday, April 24, 2020

Pandemic Week Six

We spent Sunday monitoring pulse oxygen levels for both Kate and Ty. By Sunday evening, Kate was on oral steroids on top of breathing treatments every three hours to control her cough. She pulled her first all night asthma attack one year ago this weekend and apparently has decided to make it an annual event. Tree pollen is extremely high so we suspect it is the allergy trigger. We had some long nights but flexibility to rest when needed so it all worked out. I spent many hours sitting on her floor listening to her breathe as she finally drifted off to sleep. However, as I handed her each individual steroid, I begged her not to turn into the Incredible Hulk. Those things make our sweet Kate so mean. As much as she loves the Avengers, she accepted my pleas with the humor intended. And so far, Ty responds well to his rescue inhaler. Within fifteen minutes of treatment, he is back outside exploring the field I assume is also triggering his symptoms.

Middle of the night musings.....I wonder if the people living in HGTV tiny houses are regretting life choices on week six of quarantine. Perhaps the crime channel could partner with HGTV and create new mini series Tiny Home: Homicide. Or perhaps HGTV could just follow up with their usual low level drama, Tiny Home: Man Cave and She Shed Additions.

Monday I was permitted to work at the school packing up personal belongings for my smallest friends. Being in the classroom without all their sweet faces was bittersweet but it felt good to be doing something for others. Plus chatting with my front office friends is always worth a few laughs. I miss my people.

Tuesday we returned to e-learning. Kate required coffee. Ty conquered his as Spiderman. But check out Kate's most recent art assignment. She was supposed to make a self portrait but instead chose to represent her favorite things. Please note the Hulk tearing through the background. He does tend to make an appearance every once in awhile around here.

Wednesday we made tremendous progress on the deck before the rain arrived Thursday. Layla took her role as supervisor very seriously. She needed Thursday as a day of rest.

He'd been working quite awhile when it was suddenly a little too quiet.....

Kate cleaned out and reorganized her closet. As result Makenna and Erin added pieces to their wardrobes. Ironically, 90% of what they acquired had been theirs previously, just handed down during seasons of purging. I however, now know what happened to a missing sweater of mine.
Wednesday night Makenna made this video after discovering Ty's pillow in the bathroom. When asked about it, he had no idea how it happened. We think he was sleepwalking but it was amusing, none the less.
He says this is his Corona mask

Kate also created the Ironman mask out of wire for another art assignment. Ty donated toys to her display. 

Friday, I was permitted to spend some more time packing at the school. The kids were finished with e-learning for the week so they worked on creating an Avenger wall in Kate's room together. Ty also picked up a camera for the first time and is excited to see what he can do with it. However, I have clarified twice it is NOT waterproof so he is once again feeling a bit stifled.

By Friday afternoon, our supervisor was exhausted and ready for us to be done already. She wasn't the only one.

We are planning a large pot of lemongrass on the edge of the deck next to the stairs as a barrier and mosquito deterrent. We will also stain the new deck in the fall.

All in all, it was a productive week. We are thrilled with the expanded deck and bench seating in place of railing. 

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