Saturday, March 7, 2020

Kindergarten, Headaches, New Job

Ty was frustrated Monday morning because he was writing a comic strip and needed to get out the door for school. It's difficult for me to be responsible when creative thoughts are flowing in my brain too.  Maybe his DNA isn't from his father completely after all.

In Kindergarten we were creating rhyming books in small groups. One of the words my friends needed to rhyme was car. Several tossed out the word "bar" and I suggested drawing a chocolate bar as their illustration. It worked well for my first group but the second one had a strong leader who corrected me, "Ms. Sherri, a bar is a place my parents go for grown up drinks when they don't have kids with them." And suddenly none of the illustrations were Kindergarten appropriate.  From there, I curtailed creativity and suggested "star" for everyone.

While passing out supplies for a project,  a friend eagerly raised his hand to compliment my shirt. It was a solid white tee. Four days later, the same kid complimented yet another solid white tee shirt. I wonder about his future career. And if perhaps I don't need a different neutral color shirt in my repertoire.

Greg started his new job a little earlier than originally planned on Friday. He celebrated his final day off Thursday by cleaning the house. My co-workers want to know if he can teach classes on how to be a house husband. There is some jealousy there. However, he was welcomed warmly in his new gig and is anxious to be working again.

Kate successfully completed school three days this week, took walks, participated in ping pong in gym class and maintained a level one headache all week with the exception of Monday night where it spiked to an eight and she was holding her head sobbing. Had we not already had a clear CT scan in December, we would have been in the emergency room that night. However, my concern she was experiencing rebound headaches held true in that moment. The decision to pull all medication was a good one. She is clearly feeling better finally. We are anxious to have her fully back to herself but this was a massive improvement week.

I have often wondered what happens in my house after I go to bed because Ty is the only one securely tucked in before my early bedtime.......

The animals work together to drive me crazy, I am convinced. Friday morning at five, Layla barked at the wind. I jumped up to quiet her and Oliver made himself comfortable in my chair in the same instant. As soon as he was seated, Layla ceased barking and they exchanged a look I swear meant it had been planned.

And today, our favorite person turned two! Time flies when you are having fun, I guess because those two years went fast and he is a blast. We cannot wait to celebrate him in two weeks!

He got tubes in his ears for his birthday. Fourteen ear infections in two years warrants them. We are hoping they make life more comfortable for him. He handled surgery and post op well.

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