Sunday, January 26, 2020

100th Day

Greg, the strict parent laid down the law Friday night and banned blindfolded sword fights in the house. Obviously he is unreasonable.

We celebrated the 100th day of school on Wednesday and a few of my friends believed it was the final day of school. Day 101 was a bit disappointing. The class created hats to wear on our 100th day parade and I accepted all but one project as it was written.  I could not allow this little girl to walk around believing she had "I wish I had 100 puppies" written on her hat so I helped her correct the spelling; after I snapped a photo of course.

Greg brought me lunch and we sat in the car together in front of the school for a half hour of uninterrupted silence. Not only was it the break I needed but it was good for him to leave the house for a bit too. This job search is slow and tedious.

We were out to pick up Ty and saw a chicken cross the road and had I been driving, we would have detoured down that lane to see why.

Kate had a massive setback this week. She never made it through a full school day and battled daily headaches. I suspect the increase in needed breathing treatments has escalated the headaches but am waiting on her doctor to confirm on Tuesday afternoon.

During a routine cleaning at the dentist Monday we learned Kate needs some extensive work done on her mouth in the near future. She still has a baby tooth that will not fall out on it's own because the adult tooth needed to push it down is growing in sideways. She will need an oral surgeon and an orthodontist to pull the baby and retrieve the adult. We have consultations scheduled with two orthodontists in the coming weeks to decide how we should proceed. I have informed Kate she has far exceeded her fair share of medical treatment and can knock it off now. In all seriousness, I am disappointed for her. The kid needs a break.
My father in law, at age 80 has decided to join Facebook. Given how few texts or phone calls he returns, I am more than a little surprised by the decision and am curious how his trek into social media will unfold. But receiving a friend request from him had me smiling none the less.

Ty placed water bottles on the grocery list so he could practice flipping said bottles. We vetoed his request because the sound of constant bottle flipping wears out the most patient of grownups. When he realized we hadn't made the purchase while grocery shopping, he attempted to sweeten the appeal by promising the water bottles would also make awesome rockets. He is still perplexed as to why we weren't convinced. Pray for the boy. His creativity is stifled here.

Greg and I went to Aldi and took my car so there would be more room for groceries. The next day we took his car to Costco so there wasn't much room. This is our budget plan at the moment.

Erin called asking to have the kids for the night because it's been awhile since she spent quality time with them. As she hung up, she said she was on her way to Krispy Kreme and then the gym before picking them up and I laughed. It's all about balance they say.

I attempted to alter a favorite recipe from Kristin's grandma because grain-free eating is dreadfully dull sometimes. It wasn't a perfect rendition but satisfied a sweet tooth none the less.

The cat has been very reluctant to go outside lately even though he has never had a litter box. We assume something has changed because he acts nervous about being out there. So we decided to create a space just for him so he wouldn't have to go out if he didn't want to. It's been set up for six days and he has yet to use it. This does not amuse my husband who has been woken in the night several times this week by the persistent cat who wants to go outside after all.

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