Sunday, December 15, 2019

This Week

This week we sent Lauren, Taylor and Austin back to Georgia. That goodbye was tough.

Layla had surgery to remove a mass from her leg. We will have biopsy results in a week or so that will tell us if the cancer was contained. Her bloodwork was excellent and that gives us hope. She was no worse for the wear after surgery and has chosen to disregard post-op instructions stating she needs ten days of rest. Of course she has.

We hosted our small group on Thursday and one family surprised us with snacks and a small ornament exchange to spread a little holiday cheer. The sweetness of the gesture was not lost on us.

Kate started physical therapy for her concussion and the therapist has high hope for her recovery. This photo showed up in my timehop this week and it took me back nine years in an instant.

Ty and I had a sick day together and because Ty was vomiting, he scored a second sick day. The twenty-four hour bug was intense as we both hurt from head to toe and couldn't get near enough sleep. We are quite happy to be on this side of it.

Saturday we helped pack meals for local homeless and for the first time, I took the kids. At one point, I stood back and watched Ty carefully pack a bag. He was so selective about what he chose, giving each item quite a bit of thought. He had some questions that evening and wonders about a fundraiser he could do with his not yet famous YouTube channel.

Tonight we were supposed to have our annual Christmas light scavenger hunt but the weather didn't cooperate. A Christmas movie night snuggled together was the perfect replacement plan.

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