Sunday, October 6, 2019

Brown County

Ty could not wait to take his buddy to Columbus, Indiana for the day. They started their day with a sleepover which required a normal bedtime (my favorite kind if you wanted to know) so they could be out the door with us at five in the morning. Knowing his friend was afraid of heights would have been helpful information prior to our day, but they managed to work around his phobia and created new games in favorite play places. As result of limited success we also located new sites to explore. They had a great day overall and I was happy to help knock Ty's number one item off his fall break bucket list.

It's a slide. They loved it. Of course they did. 

At one point, he had six hula hoops going and several small children gathered around him to observe. 

I spent my birthday grocery shopping, taking Ty to the pediatrician and having tires put on Greg's car. I am a party animal. But friends came over for dinner and they made me gluten free oatmeal cookies which I shared but loved. They knew my dad used to make them for me because they are my favorite. I also received flowers and countless birthday messages.

And then we took off for the weekend, just Greg and I to the cabin in Brown County we have rented twice before.  It's so relaxing, I find myself breathing deeper once we pull onto the first gravel road that leads to this quiet piece of heaven on earth. We have fallen so hard for the Relaxation Station, that we've joked we want to buy it and live there after Ty graduates. Upon a deeper investigation into the property this weekend, we realize it isn't going to work for us long term but it does set the vision for our empty nest years.

We arrived Friday afternoon on the coolest day of the season which was perfect for relaxing by the fire and soaking in the hot tub. Because I had been up since three that morning, I even stole a catnap before we had dinner in the gazebo. This place just envelopes you in it's quieter charming pace. And yet each time we arrive, we question if he should bring the kids someday. They would love it, but we treasure the time away from them as much. For now, this is our happy place and someday we may share it with them. Each night, as we walk out to the clearing beyond the cabin's drive to view the night sky, we know they would be in awe. It is literally like looking at a sky littered with glitter. All of us need this rest away from the noise of life.

Due to the weather finally changing and the temperatures dropping from the nineties to the seventies, the state park was packed full of people. So we opted instead to walk the roads that lead to the cabin and were delighted to not see another soul. And then we scored a free tour of a local distillery Greg wanted to explore so we wandered out for awhile on Saturday afternoon. Our meals were made simply with Home Chef kits we picked up on our way out of town Friday and cannot recommend them enough. The flavors are incredible and the ease of plating beautiful food makes those dining experiences special.

While we were out of town, Kate was camping with friends. Makenna and Ty tackled the trampoline park and homemade waffles together in between his plans with friends. It's lovely being in a season we can safely leave for a few days and know everyone will be better for it. Although the following text from Makenna cracked me up.
And while we were away, our grandson got a haircut and discovered Toy Story. Lauren sent photos and we swooned. We were privy to a mother-son exchange that had us laughing off and on all weekend. Lauren, exhausted told Austin he needed a nap. She elongated the word nap. Austin replied in the same elongated tone, "BLOCKS". It is the most fun watching Lauren raise her mini-me.

The weekend was perfect. And now we get to spend another week together before those of us who go to school are required to resume routine. I am grateful for the time to recharge.

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