Friday, June 14, 2019

Summer Break Week 2

We started our week with Kate's private baptism after church on Sunday. It was quiet and exactly what Kate wanted.

Monday we went to the zoo and was surprised by how few others were there given the 75 degree day and Monday being the day we all got in free with our Summer Cultural Passes. A neighbor boy joined us and at one point, they asked to play in a playground. Within minutes, they had every child there involved in a giant game of tag. It was a perfect day at the zoo.

Lauren is often calling with "is this normal" parenting questions. Austin is thriving and yet she worries as most first time moms do. He loves his books and has discovered how to use them to help him communicate. One picture dictionary book may have to be banned because the "I" page has a picture of ice cream. Austin finds the book, locates that page and brings the book to his parents jabbering as he leads them into the kitchen. He knows what he wants and is very disappointed when they can't or won't entertain his request.

They went to dinner with friends the other night and Austin was sitting on the friend's lap coloring when Lauren asked what was on the kid's menu. Austin started excitedly pointing at a picture and shaking his head yes. He was certain he was having ice cream for dinner.

And to top that off, the little guy has decided to start using the potty this week. He is fifteen months old. I realize I am biased, but he is pretty smart and rather cute too.

Tuesday we planned to visit a historical farm but instead dealt with a clogged drain that flooded my laundry room and kitchen.  When I text my husband about needing to rent a plumbsnake, he claimed to have installed an indoor pool for our anniversary and complained I am not a happy recipient. Sometimes I wish that man was half as funny as he thinks he is. Anyway, Kate babysat for friends for a few hours and when I picked her up, we headed to the local orchard to pick strawberries instead. I am excited to have arrived on the first day of black raspberry season too. They are my favorite and I haven't successfully picked them in years because the season is so short and I usually miss it.

Superman ice cream from the creamery was in order after all their hard "work". I am thrilled they haven't outgrown outings like this. I will always want to visit with my camera in hand.

We made a trip to the Bernheim Forest with our cultural passes on Wednesday to meet some friendly giants. We all loved the unseasonably cool day exploring nature and hiking together. 

Some of us were worn out afterward but quickly recharged in time for another adventure closer to home. I recently discovered we have an old cemetary that served as a final resting place for recently escaped slaves in the late 1800's. It's clear some efforts have been made to restore some elements of it but I am hoping to find out who is running that program to see if our family can contribute. Both Kate and Ty learned a little about that era and are both interested in serving where we can.

On Thursday my parents visited for the day. We had salads out for lunch and then picked up someone's early birthday gift. He bent the rim on his old bike and had outgrown it so a replacement was in order. Given how much he rides, he got it a month early.  

A few years ago I started  working on a mantra. Respond vs React. It has served me well and I have made great strides in my responses to life, in that I no longer have emotional meltdowns and can quietly process more thoughtful answers. However, recently it has occurred to me that this feels very much like praying for patience, which as any Christian can tell you is a bad idea. You see, when you put these prayers out there, God has a tendency to let you practice. A lot. All this to say that life feels a little overwhelming and I am realizing that responding looks a lot like internalizing and perhaps that isn't the healthiest approach either. One would think that by age 45, I could have it all worked out but I don't. I am losing my mind one kid at a time because in a house as full as mine, if it's not one thing, it's three things. 

When I learned Noah was off work on Friday, I planned to knock another item off our Summer Bucket List and took Ty and the neighbor boy to the firehouse. They LOVED their personal tour. 

Kate, who waived the firehouse stayed behind and played with a flourless cake recipe because her dad is missing baked goods. He has joined my grain free diet and lost ten pounds on top of feeling better. So a dessert that doesn't break the rules was in order. 

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