Monday, June 3, 2019


Sometimes when life feels overwhelming, I find humor in the strangest of things. Recently, two young adults have announced their intentions of moving out this summer. Both of those same daughters are facing serious health issues with varying degrees of attentiveness and both ends of the spectrum drive me a little crazy when I am  not actively working to avoid losing my mind.

So when Makenna tried to unload an impulse purchase she and Noah made several months ago on our friends, they quietly waged war. This resulted in "Gorj" being propped up in Greg's truck when it was returned. Greg having none of this, set Gorj up to greet Makenna when she got home that night.

Makenna, believing her father had chosen sides when he in fact just wanted the giant monkey out of his truck, retaliated. This is not going to end anytime soon and is sure to get more colorful. I know all the parties involved well and believe Makenna has not chosen allies well.

But she gets bonus points for creativity. A few days after I put Gorj back upstairs, he showed up in the middle of the night in our bathroom clutching one of Greg's safety books.

Again, I put him back into her room so she crafted a new plan. She pulled a favorite sidekick in and they left the giant monkey on Noah's front porch. I assume he will be back.

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