Monday, May 13, 2019

Mother's Day Weekend

Twenty(ish) years ago, Greg and I were in a young marrieds Sunday school class where we learned about something called gunny-sacking. In a nutshell, it's the unfair habit of keeping tabs on all the little infractions your spouse commits in your marriage by tossing them into an imaginary gunny sack until one final irritation has you unload the contents of the entire sack on your partner. It isn't a fair way to navigate life and we have tried to mindful of this practice since being made aware of the tendency to fight this way all those years ago. So here we are in our twenty-fifth year of marriage and I unloaded a sack on my husband for the smallest of perceived insults first thing Saturday morning, leaving me emotional over my response. I didn't handle this minor thing well because it felt like something more than it was. How at this point in our marriage did that spew out of my mouth? Needless to say, it didn't set the tone for the weekend in a way I would treasure. I just wish I had handled myself better.
My children think their gift is hilarious. 🙄

But the church hosted a Mother's Day tea and the outing was the break I needed to recharge. No sooner than I confessed to a sugar addiction when asked about something difficult to give up than I won a box of chocolate as a door prize. Of course I did. I literally laughed out loud and so did the women around me.

Erin recently asked Kate to take something to her mother. Kate countered, "isn't she your mother too?" And Erin replied, "she is your mother and now my friend." So my friend, Erin ordered chocolate covered strawberries for Mother's Day and enough to let me share if I was so inclined. I was. See aforementioned sugar addiction story....

Makenna and her friend Brooke have been friends since they were six. Brooke was a year behind Makenna in school despite only being a few months apart in age. Brooke's boyfriend is in the Air Force and was unable to take Brooke to her Senior prom so Makenna stepped in as her date. They had a relaxing day preparing together and went into the evening expecting to only have a great time.

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