Thursday, April 4, 2019

This Week

Benjamin spent last weekend with us as he was kicking off his spring break and we were wrapping up ours. I miss this boy and am happy to report his life is as settled as possible for the moment.

After taking a couple months hiatus from electronic devices, Ty got his ipod back. We installed an app that allows him to text people I first approve through my messenger app. After his first evening with this new found communication tool, I received a phone call letting me know Ty was inviting family to Easter and my mom was suspicious I was a little out of the loop. As it turns out, she was right. So apparently I am hosting Easter this year? It's a good thing I actually enjoy big family meals and don't mind at all but that being Ty's first order of independent business amuses me.

Monday Ty left for school early with an aid in his building we happen to know well so they could play a couple harmless April fools pranks on his teachers. He was quite excited and believes he is not a suspect.

While he was away, I cleaned and organized his room as it had reached the point of being too big a job for him to tackle independently. Spring cleaning had to start somewhere I decided his room was the most obvious choice until the oldest girls move out later this year. The result of a clear cubby system? He created a makeshift desk for himself and quickly got to work writing a fan letter to his favorite minecraft gamer complete with a drawing. He is now working on a letter to his buddy who has written Ty a couple of times. Add discovering his headlamp flashlight and a book in his bed one morning and I have hope he may finally be turning a corner as he has always been a reluctant reader and writer.

Greg is in Mexico a few days this week for work. This does not sit well with me given how turbulent the situation is along the border. I am praying for his safety throughout his trip and anxious to get him home Friday night. This is the same man who thought wearing Ohio State gear in Michigan last month for a business trip was a wise decision. But Ty is occupying his daddy's side of the bed and we are enjoying easier dinners as it seems I don't cook as much when Greg is away.

I have a little friend from church coming over after her preschool program for a couple of hours a week until the school year ends. Ava loves having someone to play with and they made fast friends. Ivy's spunk matches Ava's and so far, they are adorable together.

Oh, and Thursday morning Kate woke with a rubber rat in her bed. Ty believes he is not a suspect. 

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