Friday, February 1, 2019

January Finally Ended

We survived all 693 days of January. Amen. This week Makenna started a new job, Erin used three sick days, we had a snow day, a two hour delay (twice), record breaking low temperatures and met with Kate's surgeon. There was no resemblance of a schedule whatsoever and there were rumors of a few children not showering for days on end. The highlight had to be having Greg work from home so he could attend Kate's appointment where he announced he was just the chauffer and eye candy. Jesus take the wheel.

Makenna is going to enjoy being a kindergarten aid in a local title one school. She gets to leave that job location in time to arrive at another elementary school to be YMCA after school care site director. It's a lot to juggle but given it's just for the remainder of the school year, she's pretty confident she's got this. On the first day, she wasn't so sure but by the second day, she was already telling cute stories about her new little friends.

Kate is having surgery on the 15th. She is nervous and we don't love this solution but the number of days our otherwise active and high energy kiddo has spent in bed because she is too uncomfortable to do anything else has taken it's toll. We have full confidence in the surgeon, as she is the same one who took care of Makenna's ligament replacement. The tumor is going to be removed via outpatient surgery, with additional attention paid to the femur bone. By removing additional tissue, we are eliminating the risk of regrowth. A biopsy is normal protocol to confirm the benign diagnosis.

I spent a decent amount of time creating my business website. It's still very much a work in progress but if you are so inclined, check out My awesome IT guy has been a cheerleader of sorts and I would recommend him but I don't share well and his wife would like to have her evenings with him restored.  She has created the Logo I am using and made several adjustments to format it to a few different projects. My people are awesome.

In anticipation of an upcoming school dance I am photographing, I have created a business card and am taking an additional photography class. This is not a busy season for sessions so I am utilizing my time learning and growing the business side so I can better focus on the creative aspects when we thaw out this spring.

Greg had a class in Indy two days this week and is likely going to Michigan next week because the winter is a logical season to travel north?

Lauren had a snake in her kitchen Tuesday night and was ready to burn the house down as result. We Baughmans are reasonable in the face of snakes. So Texas may be warmer but the frozen state of Indiana is suddenly far more appealing. Taylor was able to get home to kill it but knowing it was a baby has left Lauren unsettled. Is there a nest? My skin is crawling fourteen hours away.

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