Saturday, January 12, 2019

Happening Here

When I signed up for a three week photography course, I had one main goal and that was to find out what changed on my camera that lead me to start having issues with indoor shots. Sadly, on day five the teacher advised I need to have my camera repaired as the issue isn't a user error. According to Nikon, I am anticipating not only going a few weeks without my camera but I am also going to spend at minimum $285 on the repair. I could cry. After a considerable amount of deliberation, I ordered a new-to-me replacement camera body for a bit more than the repair estimate. In doing so, I was able to commit to photographing an upcoming school dance and accept a wedding gig. Make no mistake, I want nothing to do with event photography but both cases are good causes without budgets.

Both of the older girls in our home have been given flowers this week. I display them and laugh. Many, many years ago I sent Greg to the store for three items and one of them was flowers. He didn't buy them then and he has not purchased them since. In fact, the flowers I recieved for my birthday only arrived because Erin ordered them, paid for them and signed everyone's name. My twenty-something self wanted flowers she never got.  My forty-something self buys them when she wants them. However, I do wonder if the young men giving them to my daughters wouldn't mind rotating weeks. Hmmmm......

So just when we thought Austin could not get any cuter, he got his helmet. Goodness, those adorable chubby cheeks are just highlighted now! Not only is he not bothered by it, but he has already figured out (on day 2, no less) that he can use his head to bulldoze his way through furniture and toys. Good luck to his parents as this baby has an ornery spirit.

We woke to snow after both Kate and Ty had friends sleepover last night. To say they had a blast would be an understatement. The temperature was so mild and the snow perfect for packing.

Ada really wanted to participate in the snowball fight so Kate obliged.
My third photography course assignment was to capture a flat layout. I was pretty stumped at first about what I would photograph to represent me and at first considered a book and a cup of tea as those simple pleasures really are my favorite. However, inspiration presented itself when my son owed me a written apology after one melt down too many.

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