Sunday, January 20, 2019

Cozy Weekend

There was a day this week that left me contemplating running away from home. It was 8am and I was on my way to an appointment on the heels of two rough hours with three of my children when I saw the bridge that would take me out of the state. I considered the implications of driving over it rather than taking the final exit to the dentist. Had I not been up since 2am with a headache that left me depleted, there is a strong possibility I would have landed on Lauren's doorstep to wait out a winter storm in Texas as opposed to having my teeth cleaned. Isn't it funny how seasons change? There were a good many years Lauren was the one who could have sent me packing and abandoning my maternal responsibilities, but she likes me now. Becoming a mother herself has connected us. Finally.

A come to Jesus conversation with one, a hormone check with relaxation techniques for another and an apology to the third took place because she happened to be the third confrontation in two hours with an exhausted mother. No one ran away.  But as the wind howled and the ice rained down, I questioned my decision to stay; just a bit as we were cozy and connected under blankets with savory chili on the stove. We embraced the weather induced togetherness.

I am proud of my latest photo submission even though it isn't what I set out to capture. Seeking light on the dreariest of days is challenging so when I saw a white brick wall, I knew I had to try. Other than the maturing I see in Kate, I love the way this shot makes me feel. Her dad on the other hand, preferred this second shot as she doesn't look quite as grown and he is a big fan of her face. But of course, we all are.
I set out to use the bridge I almost took this week to runaway as my negative space thinking it would add some interest to the grey atmosphere. I envisioned the bright umbrella as the needed pop of color in the shot. What I failed to realize was how much clutter I couldn't avoid so in the end, this shot didn't impress me. I suppose that pink umbrella will make an appearance another time because it is an excellent contrast to the lack of color this season. But when I posted on Facebook I was heading to Walmart to buy an umbrella, Anne called. She remembered the couch I drug out into a field years ago because I had an idea for a photo shoot and then the time I drove her out into the middle of nowhere for a remote apple orchard because I had a photo idea. That day, we were literally followed by a guy with a chainsaw but she said going to Walmart on a Saturday with a winter storm looming had to be the craziest idea I have ever implemented. Of course she then offered to assist me because she secretly likes witnessing the drama I inflict upon myself.
Video chat hair tutorials took place this morning as a young husband was instructed how to braid a sister's hair. And then Kate served as a model for a makeup look Makenna is applying to a friend this week for Homecoming. Sibling bonding has changed a bit these last couple of years. But then tried and true favorites return and result in sweet treats. A brother is honing some skills despite maintaining he can't.

This afternoon we pulled out a game and tried to entice the kids away from screens and only Noah engaged. He beat us severely and didn't gloat. He's still new(ish) around here.

We braced for the worst and ended up with a beautiful sunny day in the aftermath of brutal winds that howled all night. Church services were canceled to keep us off the roads in the early hours of the morning so we lounged around over a large breakfast and some quiet bible study together. Our three day weekend has been full of rest and we are grateful.

And for those asking........the Buckeye nutcracker is still with us, guarding the coffee pot. Sigh. 

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