Sunday, December 2, 2018

The Weekend Review

 Mom and Dad came to town so Mom could take Kate and Ty to see the Nutcracker Ballet. They all enjoyed it. I teased that mom took two kids in exchange for Dad. He was well behaved and enjoyed video chat time with Austin that afternoon.
On Sunday, Amanda and I traded kids. Levi and Trevor joined us and we revisited old favorite toys, took a walk throughout the neighborhood since it was 63 degrees and painted some pictures. The energy level was high but it was good to see my little friends again. 

While I entertained little ones (or they entertained me as the case may be), Amanda and Ren took Kate and Ty ice skating. They all had a good time. Both kids can't wait to return and have friends in mind they would like to invite. But the original plan had Anna going with Kate and me keeping Ava. In the end, Ty wanted to join Kate and Anna wanted to stay with me. So a full-fledged trade occurred.  It was a fair trade.

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